2016년 3월 28일 월요일

Korean Herald 표현정리

도널드 트럼프의 한국, 북한, 일본에 대한 생각.

According to The New York Times picked up in Seoul on Sunday, Trump described his foreign policy as being "America first" and that he will not stand by as the U.S. is "ripped off" by smarter, shrewder and tougher countries.

- ripped off : 바가지를 쓰다
- shrewd : 상황 판단이 빠른, 약삭 빠른 
 . shrewdly : 약삭 빠르게

The North, despite warnings from the international community has detonated four nuclear devices starting in 2006, with the latest being tested on Jan. 6.

- detonate : 폭발시키다

He then said that unless South Korea and Japan significantly increased their contributions to Washington's military presence on their soil, he would withdraw soldiers. Trump said such a move is not something he would like but would push forward anyway.
- push forward : 밀고 나가다, 단호하게 계속 밀고 나가다 (어렵고 힘든 일을)

Trump said the United States can ill afford to lose vast amounts of money by stationing troops in these countries.

- can ill(hardly) afford to v : ~할 자격이 없다, 형편이 안된다, 입장이 아니다

The latest remarks, which are seen as Trump's most in-depth discussion on foreign policy so far, directly contradict Washington's long-held stance on nuclear non-proliferation in Northeast Asia, and the country's firm commitment to safeguarding its two key allies -- South Korea and Japan -- by stationing troops.

- non-proliferation : (핵무기/화학무기의) 확산 방지
- proliferation : 급증, 확산
 . the proliferation of personal computers, attempt to prevent cancer cell proliferation

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